Tuesday, June 19, 2012

points final study guide (partial)

a study guide for those of us in Points III lecture class:


1. extraordinary vessels first appear in completion in which text?
2. some general characteristics of the 8 extras?

3. yangwei (yang linking)'s illness is of...
4. yinwei (yin linking)'s illness is of...
5. yinqiao (yin motility)'s illness is of...
6. yangqiao (yang motility)'s illness is of...

7. chong's illness is of...
8. du's illness is of...
9. ren's illness is of...
10. dai's illness is of...

11. chong goes alongside which channel in the leg...
12. merges with which channel where?
13. chong links up and passes...

14. ren mai starts where?
15. ren mai main branch?
16. du mai starts where? 
17. du mai first branch?
18. du mai second branch?
19. du mai third branch?

20. du connects with which organs?
21. du connects with what else (that no other extra does)?
22. which points do the ren and du link up at?
23. Ren/Du system might be related to which system in Western physiological terms?

24. confluent point of chong mai?
25. indications?
26. confluent point of the ren mai?
27. indications?
28. confluent point of the du mai?
29. indications?
30. confluent point of the dai mai?
31. indications?

32. confluent point of the yinwei mai?
33. indications?
34. confluent point of yangwei mai?
35. indications?
36. confluent point of yinqiao mai?
37. indications?
38. confluent point of yangqiao mai?
39. indications?

1. list four functions of the divergent channels
2. in zang/fu paired divergent channels, where do the the zang divergent channels always end up merging?
3. except for BL/KD divergent channels, all divergent channels go to...
4. where does the BL divergent channel start?
5. exit point for BL/KD?
6. exit point for GB/LV?
7. exit point for ST/SP?
8. exit point for SI/HT?
9. exit point for TB/PC?
10. exit point for LI/LU?

1. the three foot yang sinew channels all pass through which part of the body and which acupuncture point? 
2. 2 points at which the LI sinew channel is different than the primary channel?
3. where do the three hand yang channels more or less all pass through?√
4. 3 foot yin sinews all pass through the... √
5. 3 hand yin all go to the...√

6. how does the direction of the jing jin differ as compared to the primary channels?√
7. the jingjin gather in which parts of the body, generally?√ 
8. which jingjin gather at the genitals?√

notable symptoms of jingjin of...
9. hand taiyin (LU)?√
10. hand yangming (LI)?†
11. foot yangming (ST)?
12. foot taiyin (SP)?√ 
13. hand shaoyin (HT)?√
14. hand taiyang (SI)?X

15. foot taiyang (BL)?√
16. foot shaoyin (KD)?
17. hand jueyin (PC)?
18. hand shaoyang (TB)?
19. foot shaoyang (GB)?
20. foot jueyin (LV)?

21. which jingjins correspond to the ear?
22. which jingjins correspond to the genitals?

six needling techniques from the neijing...
23. fenci?√
24. huici?√
25. fuci?√
26. guanci?X√
27. heguci?√
28. huozhen?√

29. what is jin cuo feng?
30. jin is healthiest in what temperature?
31. jin depends on nourishment of... 

1. describe the course of the lung channel before it emerges at LU-1.√ 
2. if the channel is shaken, then what happens?√

3. describe the course of the LI channel.√ 
4. channel is shaken, what happens?††

5. how many branches off of the stomach channel?√√√
6. describe the course of the stomach channel from beginning to the first branch.√√ 
7. describe the first branch.√√
8. via which point does the stomach channel get to ST 9?√√
9. second branch?√X
10. third branch?√
11. fourth branch?√
12. fifth branch? √
13. when this channel is shaken, what happens?√

14. where do the spleen and liver channels cross on the lower leg?√√
15. where does the spleen intersect with the ren mai?√ 
16. first branch of spleen?†
17. second branch of spleen?X√
18. when this channel is shaken, what happens?†
19. 4 herbs for "opening the ghosts door / drive damp out of the pores"?√√

20. three branching points for the origination of the heart channel?√√√
21. heart primary channel links with what other channel, and where?√√√
22. when this channel is shaken, what happens?††

23. where does the SI channel first branch off from the course of the points?√√
24. where does it go from there?†
25. describe the second branch?√ 
26. describe the third branch?√
27. when channel is shaken...

28. where does the first branch of the BL channel arise and where does it go?√√
29. where does the BL channel go after BL-67?√√√
30. when channel is shaken...X††

31. kidney channel begins where?√√√
32. KD meets with the DU where?√√√
33. where does it go after that?√√√
34. where does it intersect with the REN?√√√
35. first branch?√√√
36. second branch?√√√
37. what happens when KD channel is shaken?X†

38. describe the first branch of the GB.X
39. how does the GB channel end at its most distal end?
40. when this channel is shaken...


1. nanjing. 
2. no pairing
mostly in the center of the body
no hand / foot differentiation
no special relationship between zang/fu

3. chills and fever
4. pain in the heart
5. yang flaccidity and yin spasm
6. yin flaccidity and yang spasm

7. counterflow qi and internal urgent pain
8. spinal spasm and syncope
9. internal binds, hernias, masses
10. abdominal fullness, sensation of sitting in water

11. kidney (great luo of shaoyin)
12. stomach channel at ST30
13. 12 meridians' blood and qi

14. uterus / lower abdomen, emerges from REN-1
15. arises in pelvic cavity, goes up spine
16. lower abdomen, emerges from perineum
17. lower abdomne to genitals, around anus, interior of spinal column, into kidneys
18. lower abdomen, winds around external genitals, heart, winds around mouth, to below middle of eye. 
19. enters at BL-1, follows BL channel up head, enters brain, emerges at DU-16, bifurcates and follows BL channel from BL-12, into kidneys

20. kidney (in first and third branches), heart
21. brain
22. REN-1, REN-24, DU-1, DU-28
23. neuroendocrine system. 

24. SP-4 gongsun
25. food stagnation
stabbing pain in chest
counterflow qi
26. LU-7, lieqi
27. dead fetus retention
pain of genitals
xuan qi (cold phlegm accumulation)
28. SI-3, houxi
29. cold / exterior damage
stiff neck / spine
30. GB-41, zulinqi
31. surface wind pruritis
hand/foot numbness
swollen/painful throat

32. PC-6
33. fullness in chest/diaphragm
lumbar pain 
34. TB-5 waiguan. 
35. fever/chills
joint pain
visual dizziness
36. KI-6
37. throat obstruction
alcoholic bi syndrome
38. BL-62
39. spastic pain in abdomen / back
postpartum spontaneous sweats 

1. strengthens zang/fun interior/exterior channel connection
connects parts of the body (heart and kidney)
distributes qi to the neck and head
helps explain certain acupuncture points
2. the yang channel
3. the throat
4. the anus. 
5. BL-10 tian zhu 天柱 heavenly pillar
6. SI-17 tian rong 天容 heavenly appearance  
7. ST-9 ren ying 人迎 man's welcome
8. SI-16 天窗 tian chuang heavenly window
9. TB-16 天牖 tian you heavenly window
10. LI-18 扶突 fu tu support the prominence 

1. knees, ST-12
2. crosses over deltoid and goes to spine, and also makes a headband across the head
3. the shoulder / scapula, then the neck. 
4. genitals
5. diaphragm

6. they always start from extremities and move proximally and superiorly. 
7. bones and joints, to promote proper movement. 
8. three foot yin and foot tai yang.

9. hematemesis
10. limited neck rotation
11. deviated mouth/eyes, lower eyelid paralysis, spasm of spine
12. deep pain in the spinal cord
13. spasm and decreased ROM of little finger
14. scapular pain that radiates to the neck, facial paralysis, neck pain radiating to back of the ear. 

15. eversion of the ankle, popliteal spasm, back arching spasm
16. arching back spasm
17. difficult shoulder abduction. 
18. facial paralysis / spasm, curling of tongue
19. fourth toe spasm radiating to lateral knee, facial paralysis
20. limited motion of knee joints, impotence 

21. ST, SI, TB, GB (the three hand yang and foot yangming)
22. SP, LR, KD, ST (the three foot yin and foot yangming)

23. fenci: needles inserted in space between muscles
24. huici: relaxes the tendons
25. fuci: shallow insertion to treat cold spasm 
26. guanci: rapid insertions on the end of tendons 
27. heguci: the foot of a chicken one
28. huozhen: fire needles
29. jin is separated or in disorder. 
30. warm. 
31. qi and blood. 

1. originates in middle burner
descends to connect with LI
returns and traverses diaphragm
penetrates lung
ascends to throat
emerges from LU-1
2. gasping / coughing 
frequent, scanty urination. 

3. starts at LI1, then follows course of points until LI-15:
goes around shoulder to da jue 
goes to superclavicular fossa
branches off:
1) connects with lung
goes down to diaphragm and LI
2) passes through neck
reaches cheek
enters gum of lower teeth
curves around lip 
crosses sides at the philtrum
joins ST channel at LI20 
4. toothache, swelling of the neck, yellow eyes. 

5. 4 or 5 branches depending on what you consider a branch...(4 according to lingshu according to Qin)
6. originates in LI20
goes to BL1
goes to ST1-3
goes to philtrum (DU26-28)
circles lips and meets REN-24
goes to ST-5
7. keeps going up to ST8 and meets DU24
8. via ST-5, not ST-8. 
9. separates from ST-5
enters ST-12
goes to DU-14
descends through diaphragm
enters stomach, connects with spleen
10. emerges from pyrloric orifice of stomach
descends within abdomen
rejoins at ST-30
11. separates at ST-36
ends at lateral aspect of middle toe
12. separates at ST-42
ends at medial side of big toe
links with SP-1, spleen channel 

stomach branches summary:
a) the one that goes up to ST8 (really just part of the channel?)
b) the one that separates at ST5, goes to dajue and down to spleen
c) the one that starts in the middle of the stomach
d) the one that separates from ST36
e) the one that separates from ST42

13. yangming-like symptoms, essentially. 

14. 8 cun above MM. 
15. REN 3,4 and REN 10
16. ascends through diaphragm
runs along esophagus
spreads to lower surface of tongue.
17. ascends from stomach, passes through diaphragm, links with heart. 
18. tongue stiffness or pain
body heaviness / swelling
watery diarrhea
19. ge gen
cang zhu
ma huang
du huo 

20. all start at the heart.
a) heart to small intestine
b) heart up esophagus, to tissues surrounding eyes
c) heart to lungs to HT 1
21. only links with SI channel at HT 9 
22. dry throat
painful hearts
yellow eyes
painful upper arm

23. SI 13
24. da jue
supraclavicular fossa
small intestine
25. ascends from ST-12
neck to GB-1 to SI-19
26. cheek to lateral side of the nose
merges with BL-1 (taiyang!)
27. sore throat 
swollen chin / jaws
stiff neck / shoulder
shoulder / upper arm pain 

28. bai hui to temples. 
29. kidney channel. 
30. head / spine pain
loins are broken 
eversion of the ankle?

31. begins below little toe, then goes to KD1
32. DU1
33. up the spine
into the kidneys
into the bladder
34. REN 3,4, 7
35. emerges from kidneys
goes through liver / diaphragm
enters the lung
ends at root of tongue
36. separates at the lung
goes to heart
ends at REN 17
37. disease where one is hungry but doesn't want to eat
anxiety in the heart
heat in the mouth or on the bottom of the foot

38. emerges behind ear
does a lot of random stuff in the side of the face
intersects ST-9 and rejoins main channel in ST-12
descends into chest
meets P-1
connects with Liver, GB
encircles genitals 
meets bladder channel at the sacral foramen points
goes to DU-1
emerges at GB 30
39. separates from GB 41, goes to medial tip of big toe and joins with liver channel. 
40. bitter taste in the mouth

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Eugene! Very thorough review. Now to remember it all :)
